Welcome to Deptford Deanery!

“All of you together are Christ’s body and each of you is a part of it” 1 Corinthians 12:21

As a Deanery we can offer our community a wide variety of worship and together we can provide a spiritual home for our diverse SE London community. We work hard at valuing the different traditions of each parish and hope that through our meetings we encourage each other and stimulate mission.

We are keen to support existing expressions of church as well as develop new ones.

Deptford was historically famous for its Royal Dockyard – providing a place of connectivity, collaboration and industry. These roots remind us of the strategic part we can play in our city and of our global connections. Today, our church members represent a wide range of countries and cultures helping us express that the good news of Jesus is for all people

Our Forum meetings are open to all and we’d love to see you join us!

The Southwark Diocese Role of Deaneries Documents provides more detailed information


What is a Deanery?

Deaneries are designated groups of parishes within an archdeaconry* who work in partnership with each other to celebrate and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in their area.

Deptford Deanery includes the following churches, chaplaincies and school:

St Peter’s, Brockley

St John’s and Holy Trinity, Deptford

The Church of the Ascension, Blackheath (linked to All Saints’ School, Blackheath)

S. Paul with S. Mark, Deptford

St Nicholas, Deptford

All Saints, New Cross

St James, Hatcham

St Michael, Hatcham

St Catherine, Hatcham

Goldsmiths University Chaplaincy 

Nigerian Anglican Chaplaincy, New Cross 

St James, Hatcham Primary School

What do Deaneries do?

The local parish church is the key unit of mission and ministry, but there are things that it makes sense to do in a wider group of churches. Working together, across parish boundaries, using a mix of our skills, experience and knowledge allows us to be more effective in our mission and ministry.  Pooling our resources allows us to put on events to resource all manner of things, for example: youth ministry, safeguarding, supporting refugees, foodbanks, discipleship. 

The strapline for Deptford Deanery says: Working together in mission and ministry in South East London. 

Our three key areas are: Prayer, Collaboration and Mission


The clergy in the Deanery meet and pray together at Chapter. These meetings give them an opportunity for collegiality, and help each other, for example covering each other’s services during a vacancy, offering suggestions and advice, offering fresh perspectives. Likewise different key lay leaders e.g. Treasurers might meet up together at a Deanery level for support and networking. We have also set up Lay Suppers, where lay people can get together and make connections.

Prayer and Worship

Every year the Deanery engages with the global prayer initative: “Thy Kingdom Come”. For 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost we put on several vibrant prayer events including an Ascension Day Evening Eucharist, A Deanery Prayer Walk, and some other worship and prayer services.

Once a year, one of the churches in the Deanery hosts the Deanery Confirmation service.

In the Autumn we put on a combined worship and social event – e.g. a Harvest supper or a Messy Church Service.

Deanery Forums

Three times a year we put on a Deanery Forum, where we address a live and interesting topic. So far we’ve covered How can our churches support those with immigration issues and Thank God it’s Monday – which opened up the ways in which lay people can be equipped for faith in their everyday contexts. These events are open to everyone. At each forum there is an opportunity to hear a speaker, discuss issues and share ideas. At the end of the Forum we discuss Deanery Synod Business for the closing 30 minutes. 

Social events

We get together for various social events – could be a Harvest meal, a BBQ, a Lay Leaders Supper – every year we try out different things.

Engaging with National or Diocesan Initiatives

Together, we can help each other to get to grips with National and Diocesan Church Agenda’s e.g. “Setting God’s people free”, Eco-church. This allows us to have a co-ordinated response and helps us to gain wider perspectives, rather than just local. 

Supporting each other’s projects and churches

There is a wide range of skills across the Deanery and we look to support each other as much as possible. It’s all about collaboration, lending a hand and being willing to share across a parish boundary. Could be help with IT, project management, marketing, practical assistance.

*What is an archdeaconry?

A legal division of a diocese for administrative purposes – like a council borough. We are in the Archdeaconary of Lewisham and Greenwich. Our Archdeacon is The Venerable Alastair Cutting.